Showing all 3 results

  • Fish Wave

    Artist Name:

    Angela Anita Wong

    Artwork Name:

    Fish Wave

    About the NFT Art

    Medium of Art: Hand painted acrylic background broken glass and resin coating.
    NFT Network: Polygon
    NFT Token Standard: ERC721
    Re-tradable: YES
    Full copyright entitlement: NO

    About the Donation

    Donation goes to: Faith in Love Foundation
    Percentage of Income for Donation: 100%

  • Outpouring Wave Transparent Sea

    Artist Name:

    Angela Anita Wong

    Artwork Name:

    Outpouring Wave Transparent Sea

    About the NFT Art

    Medium of Art: RESIN with splashes of colour powder and pieces of broken glass
    NFT Network: Polygon
    NFT Token Standard: ERC721
    Re-tradable: YES
    Full copyright entitlement: NO

    About the Donation

    Donation goes to: Faith in Love Foundation
    Percentage of Income for Donation: 100%

  • The peacock

    Artist Name:

    Marguerite Cheng

    Artwork Name:

    The peacock

    About the NFT Art

    Medium of Art: Glass on canva
    NFT Network: Polygon
    NFT Token Standard: ERC721
    Re-tradable: YES
    Full copyright entitlement: NO

    About the Donation

    Donation goes to: Faith in Love Foundation
    Percentage of Income for Donation: 100%
